
TechEd 2007 - Why Software Sucks

Why Software Sucks

David Platt

Excellent session, excellent speaker!
The main topics were taken from his book which has the same name as the session.
I definitely have to read it!
He talked about why "normal" people don't like software. The old problem of making software for our own and not to the people. Software shouldn't be an objective, but just a tool to solve a problem. But the question is "What is the problem?" We must define which problem a software is meant to solve. It is the only way to make software useful an loved by people.
He gave some brilliant examples about knowing the users. The fact that there are more women than men, but mainly programmers are men. Programmers are people with high academic preparation, but most people in the world isn't. Facts like this must make us think. To develop software we have to put ourself it the user shoes.

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Tu até podes dizer que a sessão foi excelente mas a mim pareceu-me...blá blá blá.
Tens a certeza que isso foi bom?

Bruno Silva disse...

Para já é o género de orador que poderia falar de qualquer coisa e torná-la interessante.

Depois realmente foi Blah,blah. Mas gostei imenso do ponto de vista dele.

Para mim não é só interessante ver uma apresentação com 20 demos e 300 linhas de código ;-)